Waiting Waiting

We rushed off to the US Virgin Islands so we could get the dinghy registered before the weekend, only to find out that it is Carnival week here.  In the Caribbean, Carnival occurs at different times for different islands, but the results are the same.  The entire island has the week off, don’t try to get any business done.  So, we’re waiting around until Monday.  This dinghy registration is pretty important, when we arrive in Florida the dinghy will still be the transportation that will take us to shore and in the U.S. it must be registered or the harbor patrol will surely give us a ticket.

While we’re waiting we have plenty of chores.  Eric cleaned out the shower sump strainers, we may not be able to take showers off the back of the boat in the States. He also messed around with the holding tanks and went up the mast to check out a frayed line. I defrosted three holding plates for the refrigeration. Eric moved one of the plates higher in the box.  Only the food below the plate will freeze, so this will give us more depth for our frozen goods. Eric is also replacing a thermostat that doesn’t work very well.  Luckily, there is a Radio Shack down the road that has electrical connectors.  I’m still working on rebuilding my computer hard disk.  Tomorrow we’re going to fill up with diesel and groceries.

We’re also getting back on track with school.  We’ve had guests since the 3rd week of March and school was lost and forgotten.  It looks like Marie completed math, has another week in a reading workbook, but too many pages in spelling to complete this year.  This is understandable because we didn’t start the spelling book until January.  Thanks to our friend Kiah for some of her hand me down workbooks.  The workbooks are an attempt to get more words to pass before Marie’s eyes since she’s still crabby about reading books.  Not for long though, she’s doing pretty well with reading a sentence or two off each page I read to her.

Now that the computer is up and running, Roy and Genny are back on track with their dvd math course.  We’ve really enjoyed Teaching Textbooks for math, they are working a year ahead, but next year Roy will switch to Saxon math.  Saxon is approved for High School by our favorite California Homeschool Charter School.  Roy and Genny also completed IEW writing, I’m looking for something good for next year, let me know if you have any suggestions.  The big restriction is that we can’t commit to online programs.  We use Sequential Spelling which has so many lessons it has taken us 3 years to finish the first book, not to fear, the second book is waiting in the wings.  They are also writing in journals using the writing techniques they’ve learned so far. A few more CBS lessons from the book of Mark and then we’ll be in the market for new bible study lessons as well. We live science, history, PE, and all the other subjects, so they’ve fallen off of our list of things to do.  We have language dvds, latin books, and piano lessons, but the interest isn’t there. Maybe later.
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Roy, Genny and I have been working hard on our library.  Eric always reads and has his own library, but the rest of us are reading from the same shelf.  Over the last few years I’ve been browsing the used book stores, thrift stores and rummage sales and snatching up books with a historical theme as well as medal winners.  The Newbery medal is usually a good choice. Then I start reading those first, passing them along to the kids with my recommendation, occasionally Roy or Genny will read something and recommend it to me. Besides these historical fiction books, Genny started going crazy on the Little House on the Prairie books and Emily Windsnap series, Roy also enjoyed the Emily Windsnap books plus Ella enchanted which we’ve listened to several times.  Roy does like the ‘boy adventure’ books like My Side of the Mountain, or Broken Blade, but some of them like Hatchet involve a disaster and he gets turned off with the sadness. They’ve also read Star in the Storm, Animal Ark books, Roald Dahl books, Ramona books, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle, Boxcar Children, Poppy, Holes, Ella Enchanted, A Long Way from Chicago, Hoot, Pippi Long Stocking, a big stack of Archie comics, a half a year’s worth of ten different magazines, Whimpy kid books, Dork Diaries, and  I’m sure there are some hiding around here I missed.  We currently only have half of our library on board, the other half is waiting in the van in New Jersey.

Right now  I’m reading out loud Carry on Mr. Bowditch which I just noticed was a gift from Eric’s cousin Christie to Eric and Roy. Roy only got through half of this book, but now we all get to enjoy it. Thanks Christie, this is a good one.  It’s set in post revolutionary war time, in Salem Massachusetts about a boy with a family history at sea.  They use sailing terms and often describe how that word got it’s meaning at sea.   I’m also reading Island of Blue Dolphins about American Indians living on the Islands off the coast of California.  Genny read half of this one before putting it aside.  I like reading out loud the books the kids lost interest in because Marie and I also get to hear the story, and it helps Roy and Genny finish a story they lost interest in.  I’m also using Island of Blue Dolphins to sample the ebooks on my iPhone that Orange County public library offers.  We don’t have digital books onboard, maybe when we get through all paperbacks we already own, we’ll think about three digital readers for the kids.

A few more days of waiting, waiting, and then we’ll be off for Florida.  A rough estimate says it will take us a week.  Be sure to check our FindMeSpot on the menu above to track our progress.  I’ve also been pounding away on wordpress trying to figure out why our post via email function hasn’t been working.  Today’s efforts seem to have fixed it.  So, while we’re underway we can send an email from the ham radio to our blog and post text updates.

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