Striped Bass

Roy’s Striped Bass. In New York the Striped Bass’ main spawning ground is the Hudson River.  The striped bass was overfished and it’s population was seriously dwindling until strict conservation laws were passed in 1980.  Within 15 years, their numbers increased to a healthy population. This cool length to weight and age chart  says Roy’s 29 inch fish weighed approximately 13 pounds and was 7 years old.  For a view of this years best catches, check out Roy’s Fish Gallery.

So how did he get this big boy?  It started with a trip to the fishing store.  In nearly every town we’ve visited the locals are using some gear we don’t have and Roy has to go add it to his collection.  Here he got a throwing net.  The guy at the store gave him a few pointers, but it was still collapsing before it hit the water.

We went over to a neighbor’s boat and Joe took some time to help him out for a perfect throw.

The net fishermen are catching bunker, an abundant, oily, smelly fish great for bait. Wikipedia says the bunker, aka Atantic Menhaden can filter up to four gallons of water a minute making it a natural check to the deadly red tide.  On that one perfect throw, Roy caught one bunker. He put it on his hook, as directed by a neighboring fishermen and while drifting got a bite.  The bite, however, took the fish and left the head.

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Roy directed me, his driver, to another fishing boat to ask about what may have bit the body off his bunker’s head.  These great guys told us it was probably a bluefish, gave Roy some more bait a few tips and off we went.  Within 5 minutes Roy started calling “Fish ON” and reeling in this striped bass.  I could hear the guys chuckling from across the way because we were trying to the fish into the dinghy with what seemed like a butterfly net.  They told us to just pick it up.  I reached in and grabbed it by the lip with one had, around the body with the other and in it flopped.

Thanks guys!

At the end of the day Roy went back to Joe to thank him for the net tossing tips and to share some of his catch.

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